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Search Results

  1. Mercury Glassware Colored Glass Decorative ItemsIf you’ve been searching for eye-catching colored glass decorative items, your journey ends here. At Unlimited Containers, we carry one of the largest selections of original high-quality glass pieces available. Our glass inventory offers numerous items, including mirror glass displays, mirror glass cylinders, pilsner glasses, coated bubble bowls, and others. Choose from metallic accent colors, gold, silver, and more. No matter what you’re specifically looking for...
  2. Display Columns Decorative Pedestals & Stands Tall mirror glass displays to cylinder-shaped columns—we have a wide range of home décor containers exclusively available at Unlimited Containers. Our selection will amaze your clients, wow your family, and leave you satisfied with the new elegant piece you’ve added to your collection. Revitalize your floral shop or spruce up your visual displays by adding our beautiful columns to your existing collection. Our talented team of professionals has been designing...